Large Battery Spares Kit - EV+
- 2 off Insulated battery platform with ceramic base and 8 off 1/4" stainless tube supports
- Internal Battery high current / high temperature extension cables
- 1 off Positive
- 1 off Negative Intern
- Internal Battery voltage / high temperature extension cables
- 5 off Positive
- 5 off Negative
- 2 off Current and voltage copper terminal clamps for pouch cells
- 1 off Battery body clamp for pouch cells (ARCTC-B
- 1 off Cylindrical battery holder with terminal connections (ARCTC-400MMC) Modified for EV+
- External high current extension cables
- 1 off Positive
- 1 off Negative
- 1 off Glass tape
- 1 off Aluminium tape
- 10 off Large Aluminium thermocouple band